
Trusting Amateurs with our Future

Rosetta Stone Kehewin Dancer

Twitter @jonippolito

Conference hashtag #AVICOM2012

Presentation at
Sti Logo White On Tur Sma


Mit Press Logo BlueRinehart Richard PortraitRichard Rinehart and Jon Ippolito, Re-collection: Art, New Media, and Social Memory (MIT, 2013)

Digital Curation LogoU-Me Digital Curation (2-year online certificate)

Which is the oldest human record?

Dead Sea Scrolls Svga Dead sea scrolls
Gudea Cylinder Xvga Gudea cylinders
Colombia Indigenous Nyt Mapinguary story
Rosetta Stone Svga Rosetta stone

The Mapinguary

Mapinguary Statue Amazon

The Mapinguary

Mapinguary Brazil Map Nyt


Megatherium Rendering


Megatherium Skeleton

Preservation professionals?

Budapest Museum Cont Art

Performance can't be stored!

Museum Crate 3 Quarters

Storage isn't an option, so what's left?

Rosetta Stone Kehewin Dancer

Left: the Rosetta Stone. Right: a dancer from the First Nation Kehewin Native Dance Theater.

Professional emulators

Falling behind

Seeing Dou Weinbren Ill

Grahame Weinbren and Roberta Friedman, The Erl King (1982, reperformed 2004)

Amateur emulators

Real Mario SmaDiverging, re-converging, and constantly improving.

No one in charge.

Fceux Emulator Timeline

Tools for crowdsourcing

Photosynth Notre DamePhotosynth video (3:57-6:05)

Photofly Fountain123D Catch video (0:00-0:32)

"Scanathon" at San Francisco Museum of Asian Art

Pramuk Seated Ganesha 123d Catch

3D printing by amateurs

Chinese Rhino 123d Catch

Brooklyn Museum Web site

Brooklyn Museum Clergyman Web

What are the challenges?

  1. Loss of artistic integrity
  2. Loss of artistic value
  3. Loss of cultural context
  4. Loss of material context
  5. Loss of authorial context

Loss of artistic integrity


Not either/or, but both/and

Parthenon Parthenon Dismantle Horse Parthenon Horse Head

Loss of material context

Weinbren Erlki B 500px Weinbren Erlki C 500px

The Erl King's original equipment


Not either/or, but both/and

Potrc Marjetica Skeleton House B Potrc Marjetica Favela Caracas Toilet Simon Colorpanels V A Ill

Marjetica Potrc, Skeleton House; John Simon, Color Panel

Variable Media Questionnaire

Vmq Comparisons Mockup Ill


@jonippolito • #AVICOM2012 • •
Mario	 Overruns Erl King Rosetta Stone Kehewin Dancer
