DIY digital art preservation


Why wait for a museum?

Budapest Museum Cont Art Ill

Medium-dependent description

Choose archive formats that:

Obey a open standard;

Are not compressed;

Are an (uncompiled) source;

Have no patents or encryption;

Are compatible across different platforms and operating systems.

Is digital art just pictures made from bits?

Microsoft Cloud 1

Missing behaviors

Var Behavior Icon Grid Black
Pixar Toy Story Horizontal
Squier Joseph The Place Vga Monitor

Joseph Squier, The Place (1997)

Images 426 × 324 pixels

"Archived" at the Walker Art Center

"A classic web work" but "grindingly slow to download."

Squier Joseph The Place 4k Annotated


Image size?

Color depth?

Display context?

Rendering speed?

Medium-indepedent description

Vmq Comparisons Mockup Ill


@jonippolito •
